Kilwinning residents have outlined their priorities for the town as it prepares for the forthcoming council by-election.

The Recycled Juveniles are a group of over 60s who meet at the Playz on Thursday afternoons.

They arrange their own activities, including bingo, raffles and also organise trips away.

We asked four members for their thoughts on the forthcoming by-election, which was called following the death of Conservative Councillor John Glover.

And the problems getting a doctor's appointment, dog fouling, lack of parking, and speeding were top of the agenda.

Recycled Juveniles member Jane Hamilton said: “I want the councillor to put pressure on the doctors to be able to get an appointment.

"I can get one the same day if you call at 8.30am, and if they give you one at 9.30am, I have to rely on someone taking me or getting a taxi.

"I am awaiting improved compensation as I fell down the stairs at the Playz and broke my elbow and shoulder and hip. A year later I’m still not walking right.

"The council don’t want to take responsibility.”

Mary McGaw added: “Dog fouling is absolutely atrocious in Cranberry Place. It is terrible if you come down at night time and you don’t see it. People should pick it up. 

"When the wardens were there to check, people were picking up, which was great.”

Jenny Jones said:  “I would like to see something done about Pennyburn Road. There are not enough car parks for the number of cars in the area, they are parking up on the payments.

"When it’s time to pick up the kids at school the drivers the buses can hardly get by for all the cars that are there. Some of the town is like a racing track.”

Ina Scott added: “Speeding cars should be caught. Almswall Road is terrible for that. You are terrified of crossing these roads.

"The youngsters bawl and shout if you say anything, do the v-signs and use rude language.

"They are fly because they know when the police are there.”

The by-election takes place on May 9. The candidates, in alphabetical order, are Ian Gibson (Scottish Family Party), Sheila Gibson (SNP), Mary Hume (Labour), Ruby Kirkwood (Liberal Democrat) and Chris Lawler (Conservative).